Starting this weekend, we're bringing you a comprehensive look back at the Destined Legends journey. The feature will be broken into 5 parts, release weekly throughout the month. We'll update this post will links to each part, as they are released.
Funded with Kickstarter Part I: Too Much Free Time 6/2 - The conception of Destined Legends, beginning over 10 years ago.
Funded with Kickstarter Part II: Anything You Can Do 6/9 - The process of officially developing Destined Legends.
Funded with Kickstarter Part III: The Campaign 6/16 - The most exhilarating and stressful 30 days of our lives.
Funded with Kickstarter Part IV: I Heart Logistics 10/8 - The processes of manufacturing, importing, and fulfillment.
Funded by Kickstarter Part V: I Assure You We Exist (TBA) - The challenge of getting Destined Legends on the map.